Schduled Report installed / uninstalled software
Hi maintenance
We are in the process of making reports and we actually already have a request for a software list by device to be in CSV format.
This is logged under ITA-325 and the end result we are being asked for is a CSV which has the following columns: -
* PC
* Software
* Vendor
* Version
* Installation Date
So an example of what you would get is: -
Device 01 - Adobe Acrobat - Adobe - 7.12 - 06/04/2023
Device 01 - Google Chrome - Google - 9.1 - 01/04/2023
Device 02 - Notepad++ - Notepad++ - 4.3234 - 12/12/2022
I'm not sure if this report will help you, but potentially a monitor from our script library might?
here are a few examples
One of the major gaps of this great platform is reporting. I have created numerous tickets so far asking for various types of reports but it all go as "we are recording this as a suggestion" which never moves. Recently we got access to the custom report which exposes the database but it does not expose all the information that is required to create reports.
I am now developing my own solution using scripts which will send the information to a NodeJS API that I am currently creating which has a backend MySQL database. The scripts will run on a schedule at the endpoint and will send the information as HTTP POST (JSON) and then using Grafana we can generate reports and dashboard.
myr: if you are using ITarian we are very active with communication to our customers and getting features developed, and as you can see this is all publicly viewable here via our feedback site.
I'm not sure where your sending your information, but I'm sure your with our sister company Xcitium who use some of our technology and also have their own stuff too.
I'm sorry if information sent to them is going to a black hole, and I will direct their product managers to this post so they can see you need to speak with them.
Robin: Yes we are interacting with Xcitium as we use Xcitium Enteprise and they in turn are working with you. We are happy that many features that we requested have been delivered. However reporting is on top of our radar and unfortunately that is not moving. I have created tickets with and if you search your ticket database with my name then you will get my tickets related to reporting.
Hi myr
We have a process for them reporting to us about this but we have received nothing from them in regards to you and reporting.
Unfortunately we do not have access to tickets created for Xcitium.
Robin: Ok then I can summarize it for you what I had requested in the tickets:
1) In custom report there is now a dataset exposed to query and create report, However its missing the following tables and we cannot generate any report
a) Procedures database/Table
b) Anti-Virus updates information database/table
c) System performance (CPU, RAM, HDD etc) database/table
d) Software inventory (Installed & Not Installed) database/table
e) Windows Patches (Installed & Not Installed)
f) Windows Patches status misreporting (It should be based on as opposed to current one which is based on Windows Update API and not reporting correct installed patches
g) Active/In-Active device report
myr: I shall split this into different items so we can make sure we capture all the information correctly
Robin: Thank you